Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering

Professor Chi-Ming Chan (陳志明教授)

A paper by our research group is in the Top 20 Cited Articles list (2000-2002) in Polymer (vol. 43, 2002, p. 2981).

Lau Yiu-Ting Richard, a PhD student, is granted with SIMS Research Award on SIMS XVII, Toronto, for his paper entitled, "Development of Chain Folding of Semi-Crystalline Polymers in Thin Films: A combined ToF-SIMS and PCA Analysis", in 2009.

Lin Yong, a PhD student, has her paper “Effects of surf ace modification of the filler on the impact toughness of polypropylene/CaCO3 nanocomposites ” nominated to the Excellence in Graduate Polymer Research Symposium, Salt Lake City at the National ACS Meeting in 2009.

Lau Yiu-Ting Richard, a PhD student, is granted with Best Student Award on SIMS XVI, Kanazawa, for his paper entitled, "Lamellar Orientation on the Surface of a Polymer Determined by ToF-SIMS and AFM", in 2007.

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Tel: +852-2358-7125

Fax: +852-2358-7125



Updated: March 18 2010




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