Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering

Professor Chi-Ming Chan (陳志明教授)

A paper by our research group is in the Top 20 Cited Articles list (2000-2002) in Polymer (vol. 43, 2002, p. 2981).

Lau Yiu-Ting Richard, a PhD student, is granted with SIMS Research Award on SIMS XVII, Toronto, for his paper entitled, "Development of Chain Folding of Semi-Crystalline Polymers in Thin Films: A combined ToF-SIMS and PCA Analysis", in 2009.

Lin Yong, a PhD student, has her paper “Effects of surf ace modification of the filler on the impact toughness of polypropylene/CaCO3 nanocomposites ” nominated to the Excellence in Graduate Polymer Research Symposium, Salt Lake City at the National ACS Meeting in 2009.

Lau Yiu-Ting Richard, a PhD student, is granted with Best Student Award on SIMS XVI, Kanazawa, for his paper entitled, "Lamellar Orientation on the Surface of a Polymer Determined by ToF-SIMS and AFM", in 2007.

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Contact Me:

Room 4558, Academic Building, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Clear Water Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong.

Tel: +852-2358-7125

Fax: +852-2358-7125



Updated: March 18 2010



Review Papers

  1. C.-M. Chan, T.- M. Ko,  and H. Hiraoka, "Polymer Surface Modification by Plasmas and Photons", Surface Science Reports 24, 1-54 (1996). (cited: 289)

  2. Chi-Ming Chan, and Lu-Tao Weng, “Application of X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy and Static Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry in Surface Characterization of Copolymers and Polymer Blends”, Reviews in Chemical Engineering 16, 341-408 (2000).

  3. Chi-Ming Chan, Lu-Tao Weng, and Lin Li, "Applications of Surface Analysis Techniques in Surface Characterization of Polymers Surfaces and Interfaces", Journal of the Adhesion Society of Japan 38, 173 - 192 (2002).

  4. Chi-Ming Chan, and Lin Li, "Direct Observation of the Growth of Lamellae and Spherulites by AFM", in Intrinsic Mobility and Toughness of Polymers, Ed. H. C. Henning Kausch, Advances in Polymer Science 188, 1- 42 (2005), Springer.